Intensive Harvesting
Intensive harvesting is used in mature even-aged forest stands, stands under threat of pests, or after a natural event causing extensive wind damage. These intensive harvests mimic a major forest disruption such as a fire or major wind event resetting the forest age and allowing the growth of new healthy tree seedlings.
Shelterwood Harvest
Shelterwood harvesting is an even-aged system used to establish and develop desirable natural regeneration. By removing a mature stand in two to three cuts over a period up to 20 years. This allows increased sunlight reaches the forest floor to stimulate seedling development. At the same time the overstory provides seed and shelter for seedlings that can grow under partial shade (red spruce is a common target species).
Increased sunlight and the protective overstory give existing or new regeneration a better chance to grow and develop. The shelter encourages water to remain in the organic layer, reducing the risk of drying for the young seedlings.
The stand is thinned using equipment, targeting poor quality species and trees for removal eliminating them as a seed source. This provides space for the remaining better-quality trees to increase crown and seed production and their growth rate.
Overstory Removal
Overstory removal is an important treatment in regions of Nova Scotia. It is carried out in even aged mature or over mature softwood stands. Particularly in the eastern part of nova scotia we have many old farmers fields that have grown up in white spruce and balsam fir (Short lived species).
These trees are all similar age and size, once they reach maturity and over maturity they will begin to die and blow down. Fires and insects can then become a problem in some cases and woodlots become difficult to navigate. Selection management at this point is not an option as the trees remaining would not have the vigour required and would blow down.
Not all stands need to be harvested but If you are considering your woodlot as an economic resource, then the timely removal of these trees is key to ensure they remain sawable timber and have the greatest return as if they show rot at the base they will become pulp wood, or a bio product resulting in reduced returns for the landowner.

Specialized Harvesting
Scott and Stewart utilizes specialized equipment and experienced manual and mechanical crews to allow us to carry out a variety of harvesting treatment such as commercial thinning or selection harvesting. Our staff will customize the harvest to meet the woodlot owner’s objectives.
Road Building
Our team of technicians, foresters, and machine operators are experienced in installing and maintaining woods roads across Nova Scotia.
All government and industry guidelines and regulations will be meet or exceeded during constructions and modification. Wildlife and environmental areas will be well marked with flagging before the construction begins.
Water crossings are installed by professionally trained technicians using the best practices for road installation.
Road clearing with harvesting equipment and specialized mowers can be completed with our wide selection of Equipment.