Our staff works with the woodlot owners to determine their harvesting objectives. Financial and tax objectives will be discussed as well as other interests the owner might have such as wildlife habitat, recreational interests, environmental concerns any specialty wood requirements etc. Forest stands that have reached maturity will be identified and mapped. The appropriate harvesting method for each forest stand will be determined. Stands that would benefit from silviculture treatments will be brought to the owner’s attention.
We also purchase stumpage at competitive rates on private woodlots throughout Nova Scotia. We have harvested over one hundred woodlots for private landowners in recent years with low impact equipment. Many references can be provided if requested. We will tailor the harvesting to the landowners objectives. One year after harvesting there will be a follow up assessment of the cut block to determine future treatments for a sustainable woodlot.
Environmental and Wildlife Standards
All government and industry guidelines and regulations will be meet or exceeded. Wildlife and environmental areas will be well marked with flagging before the harvest begins.
Crossings if required are installed by professionals using the required materials.
Scott and Stewart’s harvesting operations have received several environmental awards from forest industries.
Specialized Harvesting
Scott and Stewart utilizes specialized equipment and experienced manual and mechanical crews to allow us to carry out a variety of harvesting treatment such as merchantable thinnings, shelterwood harvests, etc. Our staff will customize the harvest to meet the woodlot owner’s objectives.

Commercial Thinning 2018
Scott and Stewart works with a large number of wood using industries and stays in touch with them on a regular basis to determine the best markets for a variety of wood products. Experienced operators sort the products according to market requirements.